Saturday, January 11, 2014


Lushoto residents with one of the tourists Correspondent If you ask most Tanzanians about tourism, they will tell you it is the white stuff. Evidence of that is the number of tourists who visit the country to the park as well as game reserves, forest and old things that are visitors from abroad especially to Europe and the United States. Also, there is the perception that tourism is not managed by the government arises more than society. southland mall This sector has been ikiliingizia nation's largest income in foreign currency, which is not limpi directly benefit southland mall the ordinary citizen. But for farmers in Lushoto, Tanga industry has begun to pay off. They have started to create employment and generate income southland mall to rely on tourism. Wameibua concept of rural tourism aimed directly benefit southland mall the ordinary person, with the government have exposed his portion. For superstition and Network Peasant Groups in Tanzania (MVIWATA), these farmers are implementing the Rural Tourism Project in villages Kwekanga southland mall and Who delivered, which for the most part funded by the Dutch organization southland mall Agriterra. This project southland mall enabled her rural tourism farmer (host) receive and live with a stranger (a tourist), while working with different things southland mall that have to be made to the host family every day. One of the farmers southland mall the founders of the project, Vicent southland mall wire who lives Village Who delivered, County Mamba, Division Soni, says tourism such is fine and is beneficial to both parties, the guests and the host as off the visit to the park of tourism, the visitor finds also an opportunity to learn the culture and structure of the population lives with an income ajiongezea host. He Rural tourism is a form of tourism that should be given great impetus in since it is also advisable to advertise our culture as Tanzanians. "For example, we expect a visitor from the Netherlands coming to live with my family, he learned a lot as well eat our nature, will see how we Sambaa we eat meals together as a family all together and we use one tool the children and parents, which linatujengea love more. "" In our family, southland mall we used to eat when we are sitting on a mat. We also use natural foods entirely composting medicine factory, eg banana, spices, vegetables and coffee. Tourists rest in them have not ever seen a chicken alive, they have a sweep to buy chicken in supermarket , coming to us will be glad to see a whole chicken, a vyochinjwa until he poandaliwa a condiment. " "But also our Project the Tourism Village is contiguous with the Mazumbai Forest, which is also the Center for the Study of Trees of Nature. Forest this has been a major attraction for tourists and many researchers. Also Who delivered located near the Forest of Baga in which there are animals and insects of various kinds, including the rate UPE and black. Lushoto District has a mixture of different ethnic groups, southland mall but for the most part has been lived and dispersal Many Watania men in the name of 'Mgosi'. barbed wire says Sambaa of Lushoto proud traditional dish called ' bada '. southland mall "This is from a meal of bananas dried and usually cooked in the pot and not a FURIA and must be being hot. Actually this is our nature southland mall that would show our guests." Besides says Sambaa have greeting in the morning, afternoon and evening, but also have different traditions to receive and kumkarimu guest. All these combinations thereof, are believed southland mall to be a major attraction for visitors. community of this area is concerned also with the work of the hands of basket weaving, southland mall pottery pots and various ornaments which is an attraction for visitors. Secretary of MVIWATA Lushoto, Daniel Willison southland mall says the project was inspired by the idea that liliboreshwa by experts and finally generate the project. Says Lushoto District has areas and much of the tourist attractions that have been ikitembelewa and many visitors especially from out of the country. southland mall says due to the geography of the area, many visitors have used more bicycle southland mall transport who drove for a place to relax before continuing the journey. "In addition to requiring a resting place also seemed that some of the guests were impressed by the hospitality of local and aspire to live and to learn more. "" We started doing research into to see how we can approve visitors to our house decorations. Yet it seemed that many families zikitaka receive guests zitalazimika transferring children or parents to move rooms to kuwapisha visitors. "" This was seen not desirable, because the guest is visiting family desires relaxing with the whole family and not cause inconvenience for some families. Given these requirements then we realized southland mall that it is good to have a guest house side of the family home owner, "says Willison and add "

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