Thursday, April 30, 2015

To understand how funny satire (or inappropriate) can work, we must first establish that viewers an

Home About CPC About CPC (English) About CPC (Dutch) Location & Route Links Media Research effects Election campaigns Framing effects Immigration Political Journalism Politics in the Netherlands Media, Public opinion & the EU Emotions and politics Social media and politics Publications Members Teaching westgate mall Amsterdam Content Analysis Lab Code Books Manuals Projects Links to interesting content analysis westgate mall Raw data Blog
The terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo of 7 January this year. Showed westgate mall that the response to political satire can be incredibly violent. In 2006, the world had already westgate mall met the 'cartoon riots "when Muslims around the world took to the streets to protest against the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
Just as well, there are examples of satire that are indeed found funny by an audience that actually own ridicule. What determines whether people now a satire or not evaluate as funny? This question was part of a research I did on the consequences of political satire. With an experiment was investigated when a LuckyTV -Item about the cuts to public broadcasting or not funny was found.
To understand how funny satire (or inappropriate) can work, we must first establish that viewers and readers of satire actively trying to understand jokes. To understand people have to use a satire of their existing knowledge and experience, because without context, a joke no meaning. As knowledge and experiences among people can widely vary, interpretation and appreciation of satire can also vary considerably.
Although it is not necessary to understand a satire full - humorous view or bizarre situations that are already often sketched westgate mall on itself like - studies have shown that political humor is often not funny is found when people westgate mall personally attacked westgate mall by feel. When an audience has that they or people they affiliate themselves (ie. Politicians, parties or government) are ridiculed this can bring their self-image is so compromised that they unknowingly decide to find the satire did not like. Whether a joke or not liked depends so often from people support or criticize the subject of satire or reject. It is not "funny" to see that you or what you believe is ridiculed. People who supported Nixon found the following cartoon of the stumbling presidential eg much less fun than those who supported the Democratic candidate McGovern.
Now there are numerous cases in which people find it funny turn if they or their ideas are put through a satire fool. Research in the US (here and here) showed that the Colbert Report also found funny by many conservative westgate mall voters, while one big parody of FoxNews-like programs that openly westgate mall supported the Republican party. Liberal viewers find this comedy funny, because the conservative media as over-the-top to be imitated and thus be ridiculed. Conservatives think Stephen Colbert just fun because he represents their opinion on a witty and "somewhat" exaggerated westgate mall manner.
The American 70s sitcom All in the Family and the Counterparty F. Jacobse and Tedje Es Van Kooten and De Bie were for the same reason popular among people with different political affiliations. While voters on the left side of the political spectrum these comedies probably found funny because right-wing populist ideas were parodied, felt right viewers nice to see how their opinion finally clear and sharp was put forward. This type of interpreting is also called "selective treatment" mentioned. People westgate mall interpret satire prefers in a way that fits into their street and therefore poses no threat to their own image.
Now the question arises occurs under what circumstances selective treatment and when people no longer like satire. A study of Podlas (open source) showed that people only interpret a satire in a way that is at odds with their beliefs (and therefore westgate mall do not like) and they understand westgate mall the joke completely and the message of the satirist explicitly clear. But in most cases of satire's message is far from fully understood. To interpret the satire still the way it was intended by the author westgate mall often quite a lot of background knowledge required. For instance try to understand satire from another country; high probability westgate mall that the penny falls.
To test whether background knowledge is indeed westgate mall a decisive factor for the truer

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

From the statements of, which are submitted to the parties that the parties to the

From the statements of, which are submitted to the parties that the parties to the States Elections think differently about provincial support to multifunctional village centers (MFCs). Christian Union and SGP agree with the statement; "The importance of viable counts to keep the centers difficult, as the vitality of town centers."
States Parties Elections think very differently origami flowers about MFCs. From the statements of, which are submitted to the parties that the parties participating in the Parliamentary elections ... OPA Flevoland joins provincial elections

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


The Southbayshawl is a fun and memorable hook pattern. This shawl I made for the mother of Robert who is quite happy with it and wears it every day because it is warm and comfortable as well. The Dutch pattern I found here.
With below hook drawings I pretty some old cushions. First, an Irish rose hooks and then a rim of sticks and unloading. Nice colors do the rest. The pattern of the rose I found here the rest I've figured out a little staten island mall himself.
Yes, that's a great scarf. Fun to make and delicious to wear ... I find it so amazing how you enjoy reading together and take trips! Enjoy it ... Greetings Noor, Elizabeth staten island mall Reply Delete
Oh so nice to read that you like so well together. You made a beautiful scarf which is nice to wear and his mother keep warm. You also pads are really beautiful color, fresh! Grtjes, rita. Reply Delete
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Monday, April 27, 2015

Awareness It

Standard What does that say of our society? You must be obviously white and fit exactly in terms of orientation in the picture what the majority society takes what belongs. Are you more than human? In my experience this observation stems from insecurity. Why would you have to scare as something different from your standard? Do not we all have our own ideas, our own expectations, our own feelings? At that point we differ from each other anyway. We are all unique to the person who we are, what we promote.
Booth Ghost Who then can decide what is good? Can I get that for you? What if I were you in a box instead? What if I say what you should do because it feels good for me? Would you be happy there? Would you prefer to live in a world where everything and everyone is the same? Sameness, do you want? If you do not want to sit in the booth, why another there in place? And if you'd like to be in there, because that feels comfortable to you, does that mean that for another would feel that way?
Awareness It's time for more awareness. Where years ago I thought exit through the gift shop tolerance increasingly root started shooting, is that in recent years become diminished. We do not like it when people kiss each other in public. If it concerns a gay couple the gate is fully of the dam. What are they different? We are all people who want to lead their own lives. We all have the same rights. I can not and will not decide for you what is good for you. That only you know. In your own uniqueness. So why do you want to define that for me?
The only difference in this world is normal that we are all different. You are to me just as abnormal as I for you. We say it "does not argue about taste." How does this relate to feeling? Be happy that we are all different, so unique. That gives color to the society. Let's not have to live like zombies. Everyone should lead his / her own life. Respect and tolerance exit through the gift shop are taking the magic words.
"The only normal in this world is that we are all different." What a beautiful statement. If everyone would realize ...... exit through the gift shop
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Caring parents get tattoos or young daughter

Inland Politics Economy 14-18 Abroad Culture & Media Science incredible edibles That still Opinion complete overview Video Zone Live Center
Thu 02/26/2015 - 11:51 Frederick Defossez A birthmark from her thigh to her toes, as is the 18-month-old Honey Rae through life. The parents of the girl to go very far to support their daughter. They both have a tattoo that matches the birthmark of their daughter. "We do not think she is going to feel inferior by the stain on her leg, which is what we want to achieve this," they say in the British press.
"People may find it quite extreme, but for us it was the most natural reaction to avoid that our daughter differently and would feel alone in the world," said mother Tanya in The Mirror.
"It incredible edibles felt incredible pain, but it was worth every second of pain worth," testifies the woman. She showed the tattoo afterwards to her daughter. "She touched it gently and she laughed," says the mother.
She admits she was worried when she saw the birthmark and a half years ago. "Like any mother, I did not want my daughter would be different. I wish she was like any other healthy child. And although she was perfect in our eyes, we knew very well that in the eyes of some people not be the case be. "
Caring parents get tattoos or young daughter's huge birthmark incredible edibles to make her feel special -> | ... - provided media (@ mitsmedia201) February 26, 2015
1,500 Mexicans demands answers after disappearance students in Mexico remains the disappearance of 43 students (last September ed.) Provoke intense debate seriously. VRT rag 1,500 Mexicans demands answers after disappearance students in Mexico remains the disappearance of 43 students (last September ed.) Provoke intense debate seriously. Chinese city buried incredible edibles under sand cloud The region around incredible edibles Kuytun incredible edibles City, northwest China, getting the last few days to deal with violent sandstorms. By sandstorms, the visibility dropped on some roads to less than a hundred meters. VRT rag Chinese city buried under sand cloud The region around Kuytun City, northwest China, getting the last few days to deal with violent incredible edibles sandstorms. By sandstorms, the visibility dropped on some roads to less than a hundred meters. incredible edibles Bishop: "I am very indignant" Australian incredible edibles Foreign Minister Julie Bishop incredible edibles has expressed outrage incredible edibles over the decision of the Indonesian government incredible edibles to set up two Australian drug smugglers. The Indonesians were announced Saturday incredible edibles that the two "within 72 hours" should be executed. The outrage in Australia is all the greater because the announcement was done on Anzac Day, the day on which Australians commemorate their war dead. VRT rag Bishop: "I am very indignant" Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has expressed outrage over the decision of the Indonesian government to set up two Australian drug smugglers. The Indonesians were announced Saturday that the two "within 72 hours" should be executed. The outrage in Australia is all the greater because the announcement was done on Anzac Day, the day on which Australians commemorate their war dead. Climber filming avalanche which swept away base camp on Everest incredible edibles by the earthquake in Nepal Saturday a base camp for climbers incredible edibles on Mount Everest hit by an avalanche. In this YouTube footage of a German mountaineer shows how the camp is buried under tons of snow. yt Climber filming avalanche which swept away base camp on Everest by the earthquake in Nepal Saturday struck a base camp for climbers on Mount Everest by an avalanche. In this YouTube footage of a German mountaineer shows how the camp is buried under tons of snow. Chile volcanic incredible edibles astapijt cleans up at the foot of volcano Calbuco, Chile, the army is deployed to clean the volcanic astapijt. The Calbucovulkaan erupted last Thursday off. VRT rag Chile cleans up volcanic astapijt on at the foot of volcano Calbuco, Chile, the army is deployed to clean the volcanic astapijt. The Calbucovulkaan erupted last Thursday off.
Most read 26/04 Cause asthma incredible edibles found drug within 5 years possible evaluation 11:12 New officers for nothing 07:29 Undocumented call itself into emergency number and intercepted 10:04 "One Direction Zayn Malik has not abandoned" incredible edibles 26 / 04 "No incredible edibles one should try to impose our borders" 8:31 "But I stayed focused on the finish line" 26/04 "Dying, but supporters propel you forward" 09:35 Nearly 9,000 citizens support Climate Case and summon a

Sunday, April 26, 2015

But there are provinces that do virtually christmas gifts for men nothing about it. Limburg late fo

Not all provinces are equally fanatical busy with the promotion of sustainable behavior. That can be deduced from data the provinces have made at the request of the NIS and the regional broadcasters. Where one province full commitment to the construction of electric charging stations allows it to other municipalities. The same applies to the stimulation of the cycling.
Broadcasters have asked what the provinces do to encourage the construction of charging stations christmas gifts for men and how much money has been earmarked christmas gifts for men for the past four years for new paths. Investing in sustainability is no requirement for the provinces, but quite a few presents itself well with that. Bicycle
South Holland, Gelderland and North Brabant spent by far the most money on cycling policy. These are also the provinces with the most kilometers of bike paths (each about 5000 miles). South Holland put in four years 55 million euros in the cycle and thus has renewed include 162 kilometers of bike paths or newly constructed. Also, North Brabant and Gelderland had tens of millions of euros on new paths.
The other provinces that get nowhere near. Most of it is done by Friesland that for a small 11 million almost 83 kilometers of bike paths moored. Flevoland follows with 48 kilometers to nine million. The least is published by Utrecht (3 kilometers of bike paths for 500,000 euros) and North Holland christmas gifts for men that 2.4 kilometers of bike paths moored for 477,000 euros. Bicycle lanes in each province (estimate fietsersbond 2012)
County Trails (km) North Brabant Gelderland 5000 5000 4800 South Holland North Holland Overijssel 4200 2800 2100 Drenthe Friesland 2000 1800 Groningen Limburg Utrecht 2000 1600 1500 Flevoland Zeeland 1400
In England there are realized christmas gifts for men they already christmas gifts for men 1200, in Utrecht is about 200 charging points and nine fast chargers. Flevoland puts 500,000 in the construction of 70 charging stations and three fast chargers. Friesland focuses on water sports. The county pays half tonnes participate in the construction of a small 250 charging points for boats.
But there are provinces that do virtually christmas gifts for men nothing about it. Limburg late for 10,000 euros do an investigation and let it especially on the municipalities. Groningen has constructed a public quick charger. That cost 5000 euros.
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Friday, April 24, 2015

Pep Guardiola, Barcelona coach, manages the club for the last time tonight when Barcelona meet Athl

Vsir - Guardiola: g will jlfa n if any lii manages a supposed me
English football Handball Krfubolti slenska dia das maes ball Ftbolti MMA Golf Form 1 Veiivsir dia das maes Arar rttir Champions Spnn talk skaland Norurlndin OLS Female Euro 2016 Frjlsar Horses World Cup 2015 Qatar Swimming NBA NFL
Pep Guardiola, Barcelona coach, manages the club for the last time tonight when Barcelona meet Athletic Bilbao in the final of the Spanish Cup. Barcelona can work out his fourteenth dia das maes title under the direction of Guardiola but he announced recently that he was taking a rest from training. "I will rejoice to hear the enthusiastic members but not until after a few months because first I have to charge the batteries and recharge your brain," said Pep Guardiola at a press conference for the cup final. dia das maes "I'm going to rest and then I will just wait quiet . If any company wants to get me when I'm ready to charge the batteries dia das maes and if they manage to seduce me I will train again, "said Guardiola.
Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments.
Ftbolti 16:00 16 aprl 2015
Dani Alves me pants rolled
Barcelona is replaced me sj point lead top spnsku department ftbolta after a 4-0 home victory Almera dia das maes anxiety.
Ftbolti 00:01 04 aprl 2015
Eiur Smriti Gujohnsen, one of the best if not the best football ant that sland has ali of rev, attention was being Vitali vi sjnvarpsttinn g rkvldi. FACTORS was sndur uh, ...
Wn | 23:24 George Takei share Star Wars video ornaments Arnar
Httulegir dogs Laugardal: l ensure the fence and nip passers "If This have been less loin Another type have him just di," the dogs ...
Blar a two mill Jara krna just collect dia das maes dust blskrnum Floyd Mayweather so much money he does not really What he make a vi ...
Strfenglegir bningar Nexus pre-out Avengers: Age of Ultro Kngularmaurinn should surpass. ...
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Dad saws ggti nothing and encouraged me a htta lafur rarson was frbru chat Akraborg hj grabbing Hjartarson today. ...
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Mackerel quota value of 50 million to his wife parliamentarian new bill mackerel quota lies ill in

"Miranda was not worse" Triple family escaped ómeidd from terrible situations
Sentenced to seduce the girl, "I thought nothing of it"
Recently, meltwater a 77-year-old man, Sveinbjörn Tryggvason, was sentenced to two years in prison for having seduced a girl under the age of eighteen to sexual acts with him. Their relationship lasted for several years. Sveinbjörn objects to the Supreme Court and he calls scandal. He thought nothing of this. He admits to having had a sexual relationship with the girl and gave her gifts, but says that it is only because he likes to give. He is convinced that he did not receive fair treatment and is he the case to the European Court.
Christian son comes with him in an interview with DV as Sveinbjörn wishing to get to explain their views. In the sentence said he should have no mitigating circumstances, but he believes it so and wants to go over it. Christian is here his father detention and trust. He believes in the innocence of his father and says he will not accept the outcome of the Supreme Court and Court street. He has lived there in Denmark last year and has not met the girl in question nor had any knowledge about the relationship between her father to her, not until the issue arose.
"I am condemned to have sex with a girl and seduce her with gifts when she was younger than eighteen years. This is pure scandal. This is just a scandal. Absolute scandal, "says Sveinbjörn determined.
He notes that the alleged misrepresentations in the case of the girl, but none of the issues relating to the court itself. I do not think it hurt that the sentence meltwater says that he sees no mitigating circumstances, for example, no pornography was found in his home. "The police did searched in my home. It was specifically requested meltwater by the search were pornographic films. But there was no such thing in my home. I took pictures of it on several occasions meltwater when we were having meltwater oral sex but wiped them all out when it was scary. meltwater Not a single time I go into a porn site and I have no pornographic. So tell me that I have no mitigating meltwater circumstances. What is it but mitigating circumstances? As far as I know, this is unheard of. The adult male living alone never watched porn. Perrin and pedophiles are a lot of pornographic films. "
By law, an adult male having sexual intercourse with a girl who is now fifteen years old. He was not convicted of it, but to entice her with gifts and so forth to sex with him. Sveinbjörn argues nonetheless that he had always believed that she was older than she really was.
Mackerel quota value of 50 million to his wife parliamentarian new bill mackerel quota lies ill in the Association of the small boat owner
"Miranda was not worse" Triple family escaped ómeidd from terrible situations meltwater
Standing behind the page against queer education in schools "I thought at first that this was Hafnarfjarðar Joke"
Agreement on the settlement of Byr: The state lends 5 billion
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

The man is said to have offered the girls sweets and want to get them in a black SUV. The girls ref

"Miranda was not worse" Triple family escaped ómeidd from terrible situations
Again tried to entice children into the car with Seljaskóla
A notice was sent to the parents of children in the first through fifth grade in Seljaskóla today, reported that a man had tried to seduce two 11 year old girls in the car in the morning. The incident occurred tiger lillies just before 10 in the vicinity of Seljaskóla.
The man is said to have offered the girls sweets and want to get them in a black SUV. The girls refused offered the man away and saved into the school. The management of school contact tiger lillies with the girl's parents and the police.
Only just over a week ago a student in the first grade in Seljaskóla stated that he had been stopped on his way home from school by a man in a car who offered him candy. The boy gave the man, however, not be disturbed, but went forward to his home.
Previously there have been similar cases in the region, nearly three years ago, in April 2011, it was reported that one of the black car was offered the girl the youngest level Seljaskóla ride and candy when she was on the way to school. The girl accepted neither candy nor was she in a car man.
Comments are the responsibility of the file. DV reserves the right to delete comments that may be of a defamatory or offensive. Click here to report tiger lillies inappropriate comments. News> National
Trends in talks over the weekend Employers pushing Framsýn tiger lillies - Will finish negotiations for a strike
"Skepticism and nervousness prevails" Norwegian mishap svindluðu the International Reykjavik Skákmótinu three years
Men in violent relationships are not subjected to the same resources and Women Men 23% of those who seek help from the Dragon Path
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Nineteen-year-old boy from Queen Camel, England, used Facebook to entice younger boys later sexuall

"I was lost in all areas" Lost boy reached fllwrs the bottom when his mother showed him home
Facebook dastard convicted of enticing young boys
Nineteen-year-old boy from Queen Camel, England, used Facebook to entice younger boys later sexually abused some of each. Judge at Taunton Crown Court found, however, that the conclusion of the sentencing yesterday that he would not forbid the boy to continue using Facebook because it would impede the communication possibilities with peers.
Callum Dower lokkaði young boys to send the nude and in those cases it was not after he thought he was a girl on Facebook to try again. In at least two occasions he managed to get two young boys to agree to meet her. Annan abused him sexually in public in supermarkets and the other in his vehicle in the parking fllwrs lot. The boy was 17 and 18 years old when he committed their offenses than boys as he drove on Facebook was down to fourteen years old.
Dower's three-year suspended sentence for violating her as well as he needs to go with an electronic ankle band the next three months and can not leave his home for twelve hours in the morning fllwrs and night. Judge the case had reports that the boy was uniquely designing but agreed with the arguments of counsel boys it was too much of a good thing to be forbidden to use Facebook fllwrs in the future. On the basis that it would isolate him socially.
Stated in a news Daily Mail management Facebook has despite ruling the judge removed Dowers access to communication page. Facebook spokesman says the site rules clear. Sexual men are not permitted to use it.
Comments are the responsibility of the file. DV reserves the right to delete comments that may be of a defamatory or offensive. Click here to report fllwrs inappropriate comments. News> International
A woman hanged herself in the fire stairs fllwrs in Brooklyn Suicides not reported to police until an hour later
Mágkonan confirms the narrative of violence Magnus lived with abuse by his wife - a resource for men lacking
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MEST read Njast VSI Most Lesi Frttir Sport the commercial LFI

Vsir - Investigate whether full-born male ant has tried a TLA girls
Parent in Kópavogi oak park mall asserts that man has lure seven-year-old girl and her friend from Hörðuvallaskóla behind Gymnasium choir yesterday where he said that he would give them rhubarb. Message to this effect go about Facebook and Indicator has received confirmed that the matter was reported to the police. oak park mall In the town, there are people oak park mall with a case study. It is claimed that man has been created to be hovering around the kids in school stadium and track them and try to get them to come with him. The man had asked the girls to hug and kiss up and say that this should be their secret. It is claimed that the man is 60-70 years, gráhærður. Man get the girls to trust themselves by telling them things personal about himself.
Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega oak park mall umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments. oak park mall
Evaluated refsiyngingar a stlkan should sr vain hope ills when hnfr gngutr me man.
Domestic 13:29 22 aprl 2015
slensk ljsmir angry when mir was frustrated with sex
"Some 2014 were dizziness households lg rst when srael rst Gaza-divisions, fjlmargir Gazabar stu up homeless ea ur ua ba rstum, "says Corto Jabali on his project ....
Domestic 13:26 22 aprl 2015
MEST read Njast VSI Most Lesi Frttir Sport the commercial LFI
Mites hit traffic accident vi City is ltinn kflksbl which clashed vi jeppling Bishop Tongue Broke ....
Tour: reward keep mr not hj City Mijumaur Premier Manchester City is open for nrri score for this stage is ...
Veil lifted from the Titanic ship Brynjar Men Skip beings frumsnt Smralind nstkomandi fstudag. Vi same occasion be viurkenni ...
Return to top custody Heilsuvsir oak park mall Markasmisnotkun Buying Ingi Champions League News in Enska strongest ant world Frttir Domestic Foreign viral Blar Althing Failures Frttaskringar slamska r ki Myndasfn Brarbunga hollow lava News in the commercial Enska Domestic Foreign Promotions Hagtlur Mark Suppl Ingar Blar Klink Markasmisnotkun Buying Ingi document oak park mall Stjrnarmaurinn Sport English football Handball Krfubolti Icelandic ball Ftbolti MMA Golf Form 1 Veiivsir Arar rttir Champions League Spnn talk skaland Norurlndin Ol s Female EM 2016 Frjlsar Horses World Cup 2015 Qatar Swimming NBA NFL Skou Fixed pens Skou Back Nkar halide Gunnar LFI All Lfsfrttir Heilsuvsir Harmageddon Tska and h DESIGN Gagnrni Culture Tnlist Matarvsir B Eurovision Gametv badly Promotions oak park mall Leikjavsir strongest ant world sland Got Talent Properties Sjnvarp Direct tsending oak park mall Frttir Sport LFI St 2 sland day FM957 tvarp Direct tsending Bylgjan X977 FM957 tvarpsfrttir oak park mall Harmageddon oak park mall Smart Job Ads Frttablai Ingar Distribution
Bistrica Unsubscribe have a pull tail jnustustlku John Key, pre tisr master Nja-Sjlands, pulling its tail funnel several m Naa t ...
rttir English football Ftbolti Handball Krfubolti form Golf Veiivsir population Horse Arar rttir Frttayfirlit disposal Fixed pens Asen article Back Ankara applet Chat halide Frttayfirlit
LFI Tska and hnnun Health and Food appearance Tnlist Gagnrni Culture Frttayfirlit oak park mall Dohop Hpkaup Smauglsingar buy and sell Home jnusta Tmstundir and goes s Blar Hsni Job Alerts Health Teaching and nmskei
Real Estate Properties for metallurgy Properties for rent to Fyrirtki of ships and btar Job Job Ads Ingar Raauglsingar Sjnvarp Frttir rttir LFI Primary Materials Food St 2 sland day Tnlist B FM957

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Overflowing the morning strsta hall Hrpu vi phrase Barnamenningarhtiar.

Vsir - No vsbendingar received - lka tried a supposed child Keflavk
The police have no evidence submitted city screen york with a man who is said to have tried to entice school children Hafnarfirði last days. A similar city screen york case occurred in Reykjanesbæ yesterday. Police Hafnarfirði has been wary but virððist the stranger was at least three times tried to entice children into their car. The principal said the grafavlarlegt issues city screen york involved in our news yesterday, and parents city screen york are encouraged to emphasize to their children to settle into a car with strangers. According varðstjóra police in Hafnarfirði have received no indication from the description of the man was released yesterday and more reports city screen york of such behavior in the town has not been received. The man is said to be feitlaginn and drive around in a large, old, blue American car with smoked windows. He is said to have called the girl outside Setbergsskóla in Hafnarfirði on Wednesday. Víkurfréttir Reykjanesbær then analyzed since late yesterday that it had seen a man in a white Cherokee jeep had tried to entice a child in his car on the Water Post Road at noon yesterday without success. Had after police is being investigate the matter and those who could shed light on the matter asked to contact police.
Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments.
Overflowing the morning strsta hall Hrpu vi phrase Barnamenningarhtiar.
Domestic 16:24 21 aprl 2015
"Ant have not bist vi Essar httu eagles," says Hilmar had Jnsdttir mir Gauta nu ra boy was brought young held Landsptalann trauma vi Reykdalsstflu Lknum ...
Domestic 13:40 21 aprl 2015
Illugi Gunnarsson, education and menningarmlarherra, fr formal stupid KNA March oared galley ri whose purpose fera was holding a sign cooperation tion vi Natural city screen york Science Foundation o ...
Frttir | 23:15 krur attempted to manndrps ti Granda city screen york
Says svigrm for launahkkanir "family what bears much between" Bjarni Benediktsson, fjrmlarherra, says a prospect su to a divergence HGT ver ia bta ...
De Boer: Memphis Depay has all Dutch football ant Memphis Depay has been strongly ora ...
Baltasar verlaunaur Vegas Baltasar Kormkur awarded city screen york Article viurkenninguna filmed dager ant rs ...
Return to top custody Failures Heilsuvsir Markasmisnotkun Buying Ingi Champions League city screen york News in Enska strongest ant world Frttir Domestic Foreign viral Blar Althing Failures Frttaskringar slamska r ki Myndasfn Brarbunga hollow lava News in the commercial Enska Domestic Foreign Promotions Hagtlur Mark Suppl Ingar Blar Klink Markasmisnotkun Buying Ingi document Stjrnarma city screen york instrument Sport English football Handball Krfubolti Icelandic ball Ftbolti MMA Golf Form 1 Veiivsir Arar rttir Champions League Spnn talk skaland Norurlndin Ol s Female EM 2016 Frjlsar Horses World Cup 2015 Qatar Swimming NBA NFL Skou Fixed pens Skou Back Nkar halide Gunnar LFI All Lfsfrttir Heilsuvsir Harmageddon Tska and h DESIGN Gagnrni Culture Tnlist Matarvsir B Eurovision Gametv badly Promotions Leikjavsir strongest ant world sland Got Talent Properties city screen york Sjnvarp Direct tsending Frttir Sport LFI St 2 sland day FM957 tvarp Direct tsending Bylgjan X977 FM957 tvarpsfrttir Harmageddon Smart Job Ads Frttablai Ingar Distribution
Serious traffic accidents Suurlandi: yrlan ni seriously city screen york injured Kumar Lgreglan Suurlandi searches witnesses. ...
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Bryndís answered for himself: "Because of the anonymity, there is no way of knowing who has lied to this author," says he has kept kveðjuboð the Embassy
Tried to entice a boy in a car Seltjarnarnesi
A man tried to seduce a boy on the eighth year in a car Seltjarnarnesi late yesterday. The incident occurred in Grænumýri. Managers primary Seltjarnarness send parents gift certificate template and guardians mail because the incident but it appears that the boy responded proven by the run away and not answer the man.
The case was referred to the police and the boy was able to give a good description of the man and the car. Said the boy it had been an older man in a big car. "We would like to ask you to talk to your children and to reiterate to them not to go up in a car with a stranger," says the message.
Comments are the responsibility of the file. DV reserves the right to delete comments that may be of a defamatory or offensive. gift certificate template Click here to report inappropriate comments. News> National gift certificate template
Illugi received payments from the Energy Energy gift certificate template after he came back to Congress Illugi gift certificate template Gunnarsson, Education and Culture, said the bulk of his work for the company Energy Energy has been ...
Collection to support young children Halldórs suddenly fell from - Friends began gathering for his children
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Technology Cast: Most beautiful Galaxy S phones to this Sí
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Monday, April 20, 2015

Comments are the responsibility of the file. DV reserves the right to delete comments that may be o

Bryndís answered for himself: "Because of the anonymity, there is no way of knowing who has lied to this author," says he has kept kveðjuboð the Embassy
Go out on a four-week detention of man
Police in the capital took place during the four weeks of detention of a young man on the fifth time today is accused of having violated the adolescent. Man is said to have put themselves in touch with the social networks Facebook, where he tried to entice them into nude photography. parts of a flower
Frederick The small Björgvinsson, Chief Superintendent of the police in the capital, said police have carried out four weeks detention over a man, but had not heard the outcome of the judge in the case.
Press Broadcasting analyzes, however, since their website that the person parts of a flower has been declared parts of a flower in detention until the first of February.
Frederick parts of a flower Clover said complaints have been received against the man the past few days, but said he did not have information on how many complaints had been received. He says people have been arrested yesterday and will be in police custody last night.
Comments are the responsibility of the file. DV reserves the right to delete comments that may be of a defamatory or offensive. parts of a flower Click here to report inappropriate comments. News> National
Collection to support young children parts of a flower Halldórs suddenly fell from - Friends began gathering for his children
"Now you know that I'm looking for, and if he likes with you then I dear you" Gudmundur police searching for missing children
All rights reserved. Use of material the blade is not allowed without permission.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

United jirnar a count of eight hundred mans have ltist sta rted n Geysir Yemen, and tplega rj chann

Vsir - has three times tried a supposed BRN up blind
Stranger fleur has three times tried to entice children into his car in Hafnarfirði last days. The principal says serous issue and encourages parents to emphasize to their children to settle fleur into a car with strangers. The man is said to be feitlaginn and drive around fleur in a large, old, blue American car with smoked fleur windows. He is said to have called the girl outside Setbergsskóla in Hafnarfirði on Wednesday. "She fleur actually did not know whether he was alone or if they were two. He said that her mother had ever had an accident and they would come to pick it up and run it to the hospital. She ran away, she was so clever, "says Hrönn Bergþórsdóttir, senior Setbergsskóla. Hrönn let the police know, talked to staff, sent a letter to all parents and had also contacted the principals of other schools in. Mother boy in Setbergsskóla then contact against the bottom of the weekend and said the man has tried to entice his son with the same lie on Saturday. "Then called me help the principal in medical school. He had the same car, apparently, called a girl today in medical school districts and said something similar that her mother had caught in the accident and offered to run it. " Hrönn says man significantly bíræfinn. "Because he's a bit slick with this. Children fleur may stupidly come into the car. We are accustomed to the fact that they are promised candy but to say this is unusually rough, I think. "Hrönn encourages the parents to discuss with their children and urged them not to go in the car with strangers.
Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand fleur Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments.
TLA found a horse archery appreciated slandi
Heimsekktur horse archery instructor tlar a open horse archery appreciated lfus fall, says Icelandic fleur horse suited to rttarinnar. fleur Vinsldir horse archery have increased substantially precursor, me ...
Strike flag people BHM, starting fyrramli will have VTK and serious effects matvlaframleiendur, Agriculture and sjvartveg, and in - and tflutning food. Forstjri Matvlastofnunar ...
Nu other boy, who was transported young Landsptalann held after a he stuck flow-vi-scale Lknum Harbour His firm will come, was tskrifaur of gjrgsludeild day. He is n Barnaspta ...
Was sent on all of t fr stvum and n is a bi disable fire.
Domestic 21:19 18 aprl 2015
Increase the number of great heritage of the country is due strhttu fleur sjvarrofs and will grarlegt amount evaluable menningarvermta disappear sjinn subsequent rum been no a done. Srfringur of sjminjar hr ...
United jirnar a count of eight hundred mans have ltist sta rted n Geysir Yemen, and tplega rj channels srst. weakness Hispanic skurhjkrunarfringur, which is the position of Yemen Ministry of Red Cross ...
Steinunn RSA Einarsd dishes, mir sharp contrast Andra lffragjafa, draws attention mikilvgi ess a ralffragjf.
Sixteen other tk tt bjrgun two boys: Bjrgunaragerirnar road driving instructor The sixteen other RVers Eva won a great achievement is hnastoa i vi bjrgun two boys ...
Strikes have VTK effect Agriculture, sjvartveg and matvlaframleiendur strike flag people BHM, starting fyrramli will have v tk and the serious effects of m ...
Enthalpy of tbosveri oak warms indicate a divergence excess GTI Ori vi metallurgy parts ...
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Yesterday, 22:36 There was a lot of glory in flour castle today when wrestling tournament Mjolnir O

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Bald man in a black jeep tried to get two 11-year-old girl in his car in the morning in the vicinity Seljaskóla. Forðuðu girls into the school and was immediately contacted bountiful baskets their parents, and police took a report from them.
Þórður Kristjánsson, principal Seljaskóla, said last week have you tried to get the boy in the first grade in a car to his house with sweets. Then have been contacted by parents of children in school, and again in the wake of the incident yesterday.
10:34 Notice received by the fire service the capital area at about half a dozen in the morning in an apartment building with smoke Veghús in Reykjavík. Because the number of notifications were sent both dælubíll basket car instead of high end house case. More
09:33 piste on Siglufirði and Hlíðarfjall open today from 10 am to 16 Adequate snow in both places. Calm and sun Hlíðarfjall and Siglufirði is partly cloudy and south breeze. It is also open to the ski resort of Stafdal Seydisfjördur. More
07:13 Police in the capital received notification shortly after eleven o'clock last night about a man who had fallen outside the restaurant in the west part of Reykjavik. Revealed that the man had received höfuðhögg the fall and was called bountiful baskets the medical field. bountiful baskets More
Yesterday, 22:53 Announced collision bountiful baskets with Stekkjarbakka in Reykjavík at half three today. Suspecting that the driver was under the influence bountiful baskets of driving. He was transferred to the detention facility and will talk to him when he is in a position to do so. More
Yesterday, 22:02 Björgunarfélag Akraness attended an evening walk two women who had become weary of the deadlock in Glymur Gili Hvalfjörður. Walking their company called an emergency telephone and asked for help. This is stated in the press release of ICE-SAR. More
Yesterday, 22:36 There was a lot of glory in flour castle today when wrestling tournament Mjolnir Open took place for the tenth time. The tournament is the unofficial Íslandsmót to surrender wrestling without defects. Nearly eighty participants from six companies participated and competed in five weight categories for men and three women's weight as well as open class. More
Yesterday, 21:49 A man is seriously injured after he fell from the ATV Fróðengi in Grafarvogi at about half past nine in the evening. The man was taken to the emergency room and the matter being investigated by police. More
Yesterday, 21:12 weathergods have only begun to smilingly to our Iceland past and tomorrow will be clear and fine, especially the first part of the day. In the afternoon we could go to draw the sun in the south-west corner and einher rainy Northwest and climb. More
Yesterday, 20:24 This increase has occurred in concert tours abroad in the last two years. This says Thor Administrator Ólafsson in travel Fun trips is very high performance in this area Types. More
Yesterday, 19:16 Steinunn Birna Ragnarsdóttir has been appointed óperustjóri Icelandic Opera she has worked as a musical concert and conference hall Harpa of the house was open. More
Yesterday, 18:18 "In all my movies bountiful baskets are burned bálkestir. The amorphous power of fire has fascinated me ever since I was a child, "says Raven Gunnlaugsson film. Passers-by Sæbraut afternoon Note that where a fire burned in Laugarnes Tang and smoke came out of the Gulf. More
Yesterday, 19:34 Lucky lottóspilari is two million richer after Lotto extraction evening. Winnings he got jokers. The first prize of the evening was, however, released this time he stands up to over 6.3 million. More
Yesterday, 18:55 port city of Aden in the war-torn Yemen as Ghost Town where ordinary life has ceased, bountiful baskets according to Elin Jakobína Odd nurses working in one of the largest hospital where the Red Cross. Officials say hundreds of people have fallen in the conflict in the city. More
Yesterday, 17:30 Talks between representatives of the music in the capital city and the salaries paid to the music teachers are still ongoing and no outcome is for. Headmaster singing Reykjavik says bad negotiations more protracted. bountiful baskets Negotiated does not occur to say needs a teacher. More
Airbus A380 landed a sick passenger Hazardous Bicycling Perspectives on Hverfisgötu Fill whole bins Hvalfjörður aid touches him deeply bountiful baskets coffee

Saturday, April 18, 2015

From the exchange field, the 20 largest shareholders April 17 yesterday N1 hf: Peter Hafsteinsson a

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French airline bony Air France has poured himself into the action when the rich Asian passengers flying between elves prefer luxury. For this purpose, the company intends to establish a "haute bony couture" sweat class.
It will cost a shilling to travel with this luxury; must rely on the 9,000 euros for La Premiere suites and forth from Shanghai bony to Paris. Similar rates will apply to other routes between Europe and Asia, where suites are available.
The suites have a seat that can be shut down from the value 2.01 meters long and 77 centimeters converted space. Sweat even though hardly spacious worldwide. Each guest suite has in his special 61 cm high definition screen to enjoy the entertainment and found they observed larger aircraft.
A few days ago explaining bony airline Etihad from the United Arab Emirates since it would put the seat in the first class in Aribus A380 and Boeing 787 aircraft which incorporate power down from would be 2.04 meters long and 66 centimeters wide chaise longue. Nowhere are the seats in first class spacious than those Singapore Airlines began service in July last year. Repealed change them 2.08 meters bony long and 90 cm wide bed.
Count Arion rocker of the savings claims a 38 billion imbalance but not asset bubble sharp increase in tours new CFO Peter N1 Six new members elected District Coffee and bicycle repairs Board VIS got 75% increase Uses own salary wage deflator decision Rist
From the exchange field, the 20 largest shareholders April 17 yesterday N1 hf: Peter Hafsteinsson appointed CFO yesterday Vopnafjarðarhreppur will publish financial bony statements in 2014 on Thursday April 30, 2015 Yesterday Arion Bank completes bills auction yesterday Auction result of nominal bonds RIKB 17 0206 and RIKB 31 0124 yesterday More
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Forbes 15:00 Did You Ever Wonder What LEGO Does When They're Not Building Bricks?

Friday, April 17, 2015

Day met Stoltenberg and vntan guest svtunni Nordica

Vsir - Trying a supposed BRN vi Laugarnes Sklar Parents turned up
Parents of children in Laugarnesskóli are turned red ribbon up for the event at the school yesterday, and then you try to get the two boys in the first grade in the car to him at recess, by offering them candy. The boys refused to go with him, but the parents had mail from the school in the morning with information about the case. This is the second time this month that such an incident occurs in the neighborhood and talked red ribbon Indicator red ribbon also when a man tried to seduce seven-year-old boy in the car with Álftamýri. Police now have increased control red ribbon of the school, but there is no evidence as to who might have been at work. "Children need to report such incidents and memorize what they come across red ribbon with. So it is very important red ribbon that parents try to file it down for them," says Arni Thor Sigmundsson deputy. "We red ribbon look at all the announcements and ask people to try to prepare them and give us as much information as possible." Further discussion of the issue in the news Channel 2 at 18:30.

Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments.
A very brnt is investigating what effect dust pollution has health flks hr country tmabr arm connection with the pollution, says Vilhj aroma broken Rafnsson pr fessor Lknisfri.
Domestic 18:17 17 aprl 2015
Day met Stoltenberg and vntan guest svtunni Nordica
micronized sp Arnrsdttir 25 other old intern architect Los Angeles, says mikilvgt a stjrnvld should check a v ln to stdenta snist not aeins of fjrmagn but real lfflks ...
Domestic 12:20 17 aprl 2015
lklega inherited a "hunskast with tail between paws to Iceland with a dozen million debt but no Gru" micronized sp Arnrsdttir 25 ra old intern architect Los Angeles, says mikilvg ...
lklega inherited a "hunskast with tail between paws to Iceland with a dozen million debt but no Gru" micronized sp Arnrsdttir 25 ra old intern architect Los Angeles, says mikilvg ...
lafur Stef Shaphan beings astoarjlfari men's red ribbon national-Aron Kristjan the son karlalandslisjlfari handball, has picked twenty people landslis ...
Icelander slr against me nju Star Wars video channels over 35 people have watched a video cut rn Arnarson tk together ....
Return to top custody red ribbon Heilsuvsir sland Got Talent Krfubolti News in Enska Frttir Domestic Foreign viral Blar Althing Failures Frttaskringar slamska IRC Myndasfn B rarbunga hollow lava News in the commercial Enska Domestic Foreign Promotions Hagtlur Mark Suppl Ingar Blar Klink document Stjrnarmaurinn Sport English football Handball Krfubolti Icelandic ball Ftbolti MMA Golf Form 1 Veiivsir Arar rttir Champions League Spnn talk skaland Norurlndin OLS KVK EM 2016 Frjlsar Horses World Cup 2015 Qatar Swimming NBA NFL Skou Fixed pens Skou Back Nkar halide Gunnar LFI All Lfsfrttir Heilsuvsir Harmageddon Tska and hnnun Gagnrni Culture Tnlist Matarvsir B Eurovision Gametv badly Promotions Leikjavsir strongest ant world sland Got Talent Properties Sjnvarp Direct tsending Frttir Sport LFI St 2 sland day FM957 tvarp Direct tsending Bylgjan X977 FM957 tvarpsfrttir Harmageddon Smart Job Ads Frttablai Ingar Distribution
Sport | 23:01 SJU Spermantroslu Bonneau
lklega inherited a "hunskast red ribbon with tail between paws to Iceland with a dozen million debt but no Gru" micronized sp Arnrsdttir 25 ra old intern architect Los Angeles, says mikilvg ...
rttir English football Ftbolti Handball red ribbon Krfubolti form Golf Veiivsir population Horse Arar rttir Frttayfirlit disposal Fixed pens Asen article Back Ankara applet Chat halide Frttayfirlit
LFI Tska and hnnun Health and Food appearance Tnlist Gagnrni Culture Frttayfirlit Dohop Hpkaup Smauglsingar buy and sell Home jnusta Tmstundir and goes s Blar Hsni Job Alerts red ribbon Health Teaching and nmskei
Real Estate Properties for metallurgy Properties red ribbon for lei

12:00 Today, eleven days after the strike began BHM. Surgeon says the situation unacceptable and ar

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Man tried to entice two young boys in his car to shop abode in Noatun yesterday. They are students in Háteigsskóla and the school's principal sent parents engraving e-mail today, where he analyzed the incident.
"In the case of two boys at the youngest level were together in the store in Noatun Noatun yesterday afternoon. A man in a car tried to get the boys in the car to him with the promise engraving of candy. The boys were turned immediately and hurry when home run their bikes. Police were called and the boys were given a detailed description of the man and the car. The case is under investigation, "states in the email.
According to police, officers were called to the place where the boys could not describe the car and did not have his number was unfortunately little you can do about it. The man was not found and the search for it has been stopped.
15:39 Association of municipalities in the metropolitan area and the Road Administration signed this morning an agreement on cooperation than on the development of transportation engraving systems in the greater Reykjavík. The agreement is the carriage speed and light trains reached on the agenda. More
13:50 SA has dismissed all national industrial disputes within Labour, excluding the Maritime Union, to the State Conciliation. This was identified by the Office of the State Conciliation. More
13:48 Kari Thor Rúnarsson is one of those who have become victims of road network in the area, but recently he got into the hole Mýrargata in Reykjavík and damaged two tires as well as the crack was in the windshield of the car at impact. More
13:32 At the same time the government declare interest to commemorate 100 years of sovereignty from Denmark with "large-scale construction work", we have a significant breach health, the opinion of the associations. More
13:34 Sigríður Björnsdóttir, veterinarian, animal welfare is of the opinion Animal protection Union Bank of energetic work in the welfare of horses. The award will be given at a ceremony in the morning, but in addition it must Kisukot in Akureyri and the pilot to drop castration piglets grants from the Union. More
13:26 The government has agreed to provide the institutions that have monitoring, and measurement capabilities of holes lava and volcanic activity of the north of Vatnajökull increased funding in the amount of 448.7 million. in 2015. More
12:45 "Why can Reykjavík, which is more than 100 thousand community, not based school for three years, which is even less than that of the Faroe Islands are building," asks Christian Stone Traustason, chairman íbúasamtaka Wolves SARS valley. More
12:22 Police Southwest received this week notification that had been driven automobile Kirkjuveg in Keflavík. Furthermore, the driver had run off the ground, engraving through the gardens to residential Birkiteig and disappeared engraving into the night. More
11:08 The Supreme Court has confirmed the District Court ruling that the judge in the case against engraving LBI Bodvar Th. Arnason, former CEO of Landsbanki, engraving do not deviate despite the judge's husband has an office in the same building as the bank's attorney (LBI). More
12:00 Today, eleven days after the strike began BHM. Surgeon says the situation unacceptable and are being crushed health down slowly with this trend continues. More
11:07 Most have great trust Ólafur Ragnar Grimsson, engraving President of Iceland (48.5%), Katrina Jakobsdóttir, chairman of the Left-Green Movement (46.7%), Date B. Eggertsson, mayors (37.0%) and Birgitta Jonsdottir, Captain Pira (32.3%). More
Higher revenues and lower debt Having discussed the way in ten witnesses R. met with Segolene Royal VR referring the dispute to the conciliator "Desert" to the Board of HB Grandi Easily passable engraving throughout the country "Muni gladden his heart," Prerequisites for Ölfusá Witness the growing inequality engraving Absolutely "intolerable" Two included for burglary critical increase Remuneration New developer group of the largest still be joining the strike scheduled to paved 16 km in summer eruption of the list of threats to the UK situation is "grave" Does the decision Rist
Thursday, 4/16/2015 Expenses increased but residents unhappy "hear us speak in another language" case was never appealed Problems in prison last meeting rector candidates Rannveig accepts no increase More strikes on Monday The villagers struck by the accident of the main roads

Thursday, April 16, 2015

This issue was corrected with this announcement.

I've been interested in one category news in Iceland. This category of news did not start to occur until after the economic collapse and general hysteria in Icelandic society. This number Hysteria (Mass Hysteria) seems einhversskonar outlet for parents on their worst fears. My interest in this news is very simple. These news have a tinge of modern myths, I am interested in.
Men who kidnap children to abuse them. How this fear has emerged, however, is what is interesting. This hysteria has spread down to the children, who now report lynnhaven mall to the school and parents afraid of all the men who are near schools Reykjavik and that dare to look at children in elementary school. Even though they do not have any mischief, and are even just their work in the vicinity of primary schools Reykjavik.
"According to the police will be three men in green car have tried to reach the children in the car, but the situation is in many ways unclear and police have very few clues to work on. The incident will be during school lynnhaven mall hours and will be trying to pull a child in the said car. It could not, however, and gave the girl a description of the car. "Morgunblaðið January 15, 2008, actually, unless the child away from school grounds
"Police in the capital has been examined case came up with Laugarnesskóli in January where it was believed that an attempt had been taken away 8 year-old girl who is a student at the school. Police have decided not to act further in the case where it is shown that the event has not occurred.
For the year 2011, which has begun to stand out announcements about such issues. Then they are before in 24 notices of alleged enticement of children in cars. This is the latest case, but April was a warning lynnhaven mall notification become 23 employees.
In one case considered the two girls in Akranes man with lambhúshettu had been chasing lynnhaven mall them (article here). In this case, it was stated that the mother is scaring líftóruna of their children with daily meetings about the dangers of strangers who entice children into cars. It comes as little surprise that children women have been scared. Since self mother was ready to scare lífstóruna of children with these home-their meetings.
For 2011 it has only been up for 5 issue of the 24 cases. These five issues in question have taken reasonable explanations and police have done nothing more. The rest of the cases, or 19 cases has not been found. Neither the said car or the men on the case. Since Iceland is just limited size, and there are surveillance of all middle schools in Reykjavik and vicinity. Then I think unlikely that the police lynnhaven mall did not have anything to work on. In cases where there is a clear analyzes were normal lynnhaven mall (except perhaps afraid the child), it took the police not take long to find out who was on the move.
1: 5 March 2011. Parents warned: Two men tried to lure eight year old boy in the car to their 2: March 10, 2011. Try to entice 8 and 13 year old girls in the car: Police searching around primary capital area 3 : March 14, 2011. Thirteen year old girl fled men black car 4: March 14, 2011. Toy Perrin still on the move - trying to lure a young boy in the car with the promise of legos March 15, 2011. Police on toy Batten: unusually rough case - are doing everything to find him (discussion on the issue of March 14) 5: March 21, 2011. Mother Akranes: Karl with lambhúshettu chase them - Two 11-year complete breakdown 6: March 23, 2011. Man tried to entice a boy in the car with Vatnsendaskóla Kópavogur - a gold colored pickup
This issue was corrected with this announcement. "Dear parents! We have to get an explanation of who the driver is. He was driving his children to school from Congress neighborhood. lynnhaven mall The children in the back seat were not as back windows are shaded. The driver was going to offer other boy go in the morning as he is wont to take in the morning but ruglaðist the boys. We are very happy that the issue is highlighted. Sincerely Gudrun Soffía Jónasdóttir principal lynnhaven mall Vatnsendaskóla "
7: 7 April 2011. One of the black skutbíl tried to lure a child Sæmundarskóla April 11, 2011. uncomfortable being associated with such issues. Explanation of the case on April 7. 8: 9 May 2011. Several people try to lure children into the car sent today (Ví
It is an interesting gap between April and May. Since these reports seem to have completely evaporated. I'll only be able to me to the reason why it is. The reason for why these reports turned in a period between April and May, is that in between the election and the Icelandic Icesave society Logan odds of Icesave. While it occurs. So the news of these media, and I suspect also reports on these issues has also disappeared at the same time hj

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

17 December 2014

One important handboltaleikur number since the beginning Prestastefna was placed in Grafarvogur today, Tuesday, April 14 at. 18 Fjölnir lost Selfoss in game two. Soccer mountains and TM conclude the agreement can go all the way until the policy has been taken
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Parents of children witness School in Grafarvogi received yesterday an email Joan S. Vilbergsdóttir principal asks parents to talk seriously with the children not to accept a ride, or clamorous visa gift card gifts from strangers. Police investigating the case, but the man's visa gift card envy.

Two boys ran down a waterfall vi suppositories bjarlknum Harbour His firm will come. Endurlfgunarti

Vsir - Tried a supposed stlku a bl
A man tried to seduce the girl of the youngest level up in his car in the morning she was on his way to Háteigsskóla. The girl ran from the man and gave police a detailed description of the event and case study. This is the e-mail from the principal Háteigsskóla parents. It says that it is important for parents to urge their children some important rules. Among other things, they should try to be a companion in school and at home. Do not accept candy from strangers and do not go in the car to strangers. School staff was notified and the incident and teachers discussed the structures of the children, as parents were encouraged to make.
Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega images of flowers umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments.
Fr Ragnheiður Out of 450 individuals fr famine 2009. Sfellt more p sr jnustuna ri each. jnustan meal has another return sr tluverri fkkun HIV infection meal flks ...
Domestic 07:05 15 aprl 2015
Two boys ran down a waterfall vi suppositories bjarlknum Harbour His firm will come. Endurlfgunartilraunir tkust other than the detention was asleep when ndunarvl Frttablai fr printing. Two adults ...
A correct stttarflaganna are not the story carry me sra s been a draw for srstaklega images of flowers hkkun lgstu wages. About a ra s "blind" a correct a dozen prsenta not take mi of wages Arun ...
Domestic 07:00 15 aprl 2015
Completion of a v a tvfalda increase the number of pets slandi
Sport | 09:31 Klopp sagur be htta hj Dortmund
Kynferisbrotaml Selfoss: images of flowers Do they have offense sleep Wants f gelkni to a assess sugars Jist of kynferislegri svefnrskun ea sexsomn ...
"365 free press by KR of FH and Stjrnuna" home Gujnsson, jlfari FH, attention was being Vitali Akraborg X-area today ....
Bnor tion Helga: "Not knowing how he TKI such bnor" Rienck Castle, the spirit was selected for bnori the stake is Inga much MLI. ..
Go to the top of English football custody Heilsuvsir sland Got Talent News in Enska NTT! Glamour Veurfrttir Frttir Domestic Foreign viral Blar Althing Failures Frttaskringar slamska IRC Myndasfn Lekamli Brarbunga hollow lava News in Enska Vi House Domestic Foreign Promotions Hagtlur Mark Suppl Ingar Blar Klink document Stjrnarmaurinn Sport English football images of flowers Handball Krfubolti Icelandic ball Ftbolti MMA Golf Form 1 Veiiv sir Arar rttir Champions images of flowers League Spnn talk skaland Norurlndin images of flowers OLS KVK EM 2016 Frjlsar Horses World Cup 2015 Qatar Swimming NBA NFL Skou Fixed pens Skou Back Nkar halide Gunnar LFI All Lfsfrttir Heilsuvsir Harmageddon Tska and hnnun Gagnrni Culture Tnlist Matarvsir B Eurovision Gametv badly Promotions Leikjav sir sland Got Talent Properties Sjnvarp Direct tsending Frttir Sport LFI St 2 sland day FM957 tvarp Direct tsending Bylgjan X977 FM957 tvarpsfrttir Harmageddon Smart Job Frttabla i Ads Ingar Distribution
Fines not until the last of allowing Nagladekkjatmabilinu APPLICABLE morning.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Go to the top of English butler football custody Heilsuvsir sland Got Talent News in Enska NTT! Gla

Vsir - Trying a supposed BRN up bla Vesterbro
A letter has been sent to parents Vesturbæjarskóli stated that parents have contacted the school and expressed concern about the strangers they have addressed their children and offer them a ride in a car. Says in the letter that the school had contacted police butler that encourages parents to report such incidents as quickly as possible to the police so may respond appropriately. It turns out that the teachers at the school will also emphasize to students that do not talk to strangers on the street. Lately, have repeatedly received news of an attempt to entice children into cars with strangers including by offering them candy. In an interview with Fréttablaðið on this issue last week said Helgi Gunnlaugsson afbrotafræðingur often the idea of people who try to entice children to be then this is dirty old men, but such is not the case. "It often comes as a surprise that often these are just a very ordinary people, who have even own families. But it is so far available of sexual crimes against children are committed by strangers. These are very few cases but heard often higher than the other because it is more likely that they come to the surface. "

Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. butler Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments.
A young boy is young Landsptalanum held after a serious accident lknum Harbour His firm will come today. rr were evacuated butler emergency room.
Domestic 14:51 14 aprl 2015
Some people do not know what they called
Domestic 13:08 14 aprl 2015
Power failure mib Reykjavkur
Sjnvarp butler | 19:47 Five r fr initial eruption Eyjafjallajkli
"A VRI glpur against humanity if hvtir would disappear" "Essi fjlmenningastefna butler that is running a clean and KLR trmingarstefna," says S ...
Gunnar: gskist v after a work under pressure Nr jlfari hawk witness used by a jlfa abroad Vestmannaeyjum ....
Httu vi send a Eurovision t directly because Silvas pictures nights Producer Re contest ttuust silega behavior Silvas pictures nights and were it left to a ...
Go to the top of English butler football custody Heilsuvsir sland Got Talent News in Enska NTT! Glamour Veurfrttir Frttir Domestic Foreign viral Blar Althing butler Failures Frttaskringar slamska IRC Myndasfn Lekamli Brarbunga hollow lava News in Enska Vi House Domestic Foreign Promotions Hagtlur Mark Suppl Ingar Blar Klink document Stjrnarmaurinn Sport English football Handball Krfubolti Icelandic ball Ftbolti MMA Golf Form 1 Veiiv sir Arar rttir Champions League Spnn talk skaland Norurlndin OLS KVK EM 2016 Frjlsar Horses World Cup 2015 Qatar Swimming NBA NFL Skou Fixed pens Skou Back Nkar halide Gunnar LFI All Lfsfrttir Heilsuvsir Harmageddon Tska and hnnun Gagnrni Culture Tnlist Matarvsir B Eurovision Gametv butler badly Promotions Leikjav sir sland Got Talent Properties Sjnvarp Direct tsending Frttir Sport LFI St 2 sland day FM957 tvarp Direct tsending Bylgjan X977 FM957 tvarpsfrttir Harmageddon Smart Job Frttabla i Ads Ingar Distribution
"A VRI glpur against humanity if hvtir would disappear" "Essi fjlmenningastefna that is running a clean and KLR trmingarstefna," says S ...
rttir English football Ftbolti Handball Krfubolti form Golf Veiivsir butler population Horse Arar rttir Frttayfirlit disposal Fixed pens Asen article Back Ankara applet Chat halide Frttayfirlit
LFI Tska and hnnun Health and Food appearance Tnlist Gagnrni Culture Frttayfirlit Dohop Hpkaup Smauglsingar buy and sell Home jnusta Tmstundir and goes s Blar Hsni Job Alerts Health Teaching and nmskei
Real Estate Properties for metallurgy Properties for rent to Fyrirtki of ships and btar Job Job Ads Ingar Raauglsingar Sjnvarp Frttir rttir LFI Primary Materials Food St 2 sland day Tnlist B FM957

Monday, April 13, 2015

Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefn

Vsir - TLA inherited inaarmenn world as lkna
Manager agreed says too few craftsmen who fled the country during the crisis to return home from abroad. They rely not yet the environment in Iceland and the necessity to enhance their terms in a manner similar to what was the most recent agreements with physicians. On January completed a five-year project under the name All work, where people could get around most of the value added by the work of skilled maintenance housing refunded. This was done to alleviate the impact of skilled beauty of when the crash occurred in the supply projects. Thorbjorn Guðmundsson negotiated says it come in handy for smaller employers in the construction industry and have a good effect. "Yes, quite definitely did it and it was of course not least, do also to stimulate the public to go to the maintenance and improvement of its assets. It resulted in both increased labor and stimulated people to be implemented, "said Thorbjorn. In the years after the crash fled the large number of skilled craftsmen land, especially in Norway since few of the fine features of Iceland when almost all the work of the new building housing a halt. Thorbjorn 30th birthday ideas said the project Work certainly have reduced escaped. Do not need to be a significant increase in projects to shortage of skilled workers. "It is now by the fact that men are much slower home from Norway than was expected. It's like they do not trust the environment here, "said Thorbjorn. The doctors dispute was much discussion about the ability of flight needed to prevent and raise wages needed to get doctors back home. "What needs to be done, both to get people to come back and also to get people into the industry mation is absolutely comparable with the doctors. It must be noted that the shortened working time. He is too long here. People think this is not enough interesting and it is necessary to raise wages in general, "said Thorbjorn. Especially need to raise kauptryggingar part Craftsmen. Then a project pipeline so now a lot is built for those who have money to spend but little or none of the apartments for ordinary people, especially young people. Change needs housing loan system to do that. "People are just not the ability to make a purchase. Those who are coming out of the housing market just not purchasing power to buy apartments. Especially this relates to the payment center. So part of the housing market or the structure is not running, "said Thorbjorn Guðmundsson.
Observation. All comments are suppressor their r write. Vsir encourages readers to a stick vi mlefnalega umru. Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when comments.
No frambj spirit rektorskjri received half atkva.
sds Kristjnsdttir, pre ant efnahagssvis Association atvinnulfsins and Fririk Mr Baldursson, prfessor vi Hsklann Reykjavk, r ddu afnm capital controls vi Without such Christians Umrunni ...
"A stand can klrlega create gn vi security sjklinga"
ingmenn stjrnarandstunnar tell a pine sta bi Sigmund Dav Gunnlaugsson pre tisr master and Bjarni Benediktsson fjrmlarherra should be absent first ingfundi aling provi ...
Vlin is Hingis reached to a fa hliarvindsprfanir Keflavkurflugvelli.