Thursday, April 2, 2015

Yesterday I went to an art exhibition of an Australian designer look. I think I would enjoy more th

The apartment sounds very quiet this morning. calyx If I listen closely, I hear the gentle hum of the refrigerator's motor and the beautiful old wall ticking clock. I wonder if cloudy weather also dampen street noise, or there is less "noise" because fewer people moving around outside? I am fully aware of cars that drive, and now and then a motorcycle. Here soon a crow caw also - as in Islamabad Tokyo more than enough crows! I miss Pretoria early morning feel sounds.
Me also still worn because I AGAIN kicked my little tone purple! It was in the dark of night when I deurkoesyn bathroom as if the door opening. My feet and shows beating properly this morning. Maybe I should take some pain medication.
Yesterday I went to an art exhibition of an Australian designer look. I think I would enjoy more than just "imagination" for children's story books was but I think it was a serious "play" with concepts for a greener Tokyo.
"My proposal is to attach lightweight chicken runs Beneath the windows of office buildings. This Allows chickens to live freely on building facades. Climbing between Wolmaransstad floors to find food, laying eggs for office workers, and supplying yakitori bars. Lycra building calyx will harbor zijn eigen vertical yakitori bar dat climbs the building to harvest chickens, to bieden wonderful views for dinners, and to access the sun to solar-fry the chickens. "(Thus Mushin).
Good luck to Mushin's idea but I remember how reluctant we have eaten at a hoenderdis in Islamabad. We have to put a window looking out to a neglected courtyard where chickens scrubbing. The following is a Pakistani grabbed a chicken and walked away with it. A short time later, the man with a bowl of fresh chicken walked past the window - ensure the meat we then eaten!
Mushin's exhibit also a magneetbord "wall" where especially young children can be part of their own interpretation of a future Tokyo. Magnetic characters, ladders calyx and funny machines (of course, calyx all copies of Mushin's works) was spread out on a desk. I thought it was an excellent and creative idea. We play and rest too little in life.
Let me think of a new "app" that this morning I saw on TV. It is a 2 min clock ticking while watching a silent nature photos and listening to relaxing music. The challenge is to see if you are only 2 minutes nothing could do. Not a mouse button or phone button click, just sit and relax! I think I will try it today. Not the app, just to sit and do nothing.
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