Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Topic: mother in a fit of anger to call in their child shouted down Midday a mysterious creature th

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GENRE: it is a set of 13 ballads - very pessimistic lyrical and epic poems, with a grim storyline and tragic end. Some of us may also recalls the tale (The Golden Spinning southpark mall Wheel, Vrba) or their contents approaching legend (Záhořovo bed).
1) komponovanost - cooling off layout básníàzrcadlově opposite poems - the first and last (bouquets, Seer), the second and penultimate southpark mall (Treasure, a subsidiary curse), the third and the third from the end (Wedding shirts and Vrba), fourth and fourth from the end (Midday Vodník ), fifth and fifth backwards (The Golden Spinning Wheel, Záhořovo bed), middle ballads (Christmas Day, Holoubek)
- Breach morálkyàkrutý punishment founder of modern Czech ballads ballads without a social subtext (up Bezruc, Wolker, Neruda) inspiration in myths, spookiness, Miracles draws on folk literature contradiction with Mach controversy with him in the work Záhořovo bed (symbol wanderer, vivid image of the night landscape , Erben disagrees with the resistance of the individual against the superior force, southpark mall but humility and repentance are the way to salvation) àErben unlike Máchy distancing from his hero in the 70s parody southpark mall redesigned theater Semaphore (Jiri Suchy) southpark mall Au bench child was, a full-throated singing ! filmed animated and motion (director Brabec)
The artist's work: drawing from folk literature, myths, hero defies southpark mall romanticism no extensive descriptions of nature do not appear typical opposites everything happen in a very short time dobuàbaladická abbreviation southpark mall stopped, is unchanging and absolute romantic environment (lakes, cemeteries, forests) the occurrence of supernatural beings special understanding vinyàErben connects it with those who had committed willy-nilly and Heroes mutiny against the sentence (as at Mach)
Characters romanticism: autobiography (hero identical with the author) hero is very ugly outside, but inwardly beautiful ("Abhor is beauty") hero nobody southpark mall understands, feels lonely (maverick) southpark mall longs for love, but love usually ends unhappily life tragically, its origin is shrouded in mystery southpark mall exceptional person in an exceptional situation, not being able to adapt to society, often bored with life, internally torn
poetic means: epithet - konstans (drobnolistý flower, dear homeland), inversion (our dear homeland), apostrophe (you just our reputation!), personalization (her soul returned), anaphora (dítky..poznaly recognize it ..) the whole poem is a kind of allegory
Topic: Mother of Good Friday southpark mall rushes to Mass when they hit the entrance to a cave full of gold, silver and other riches, is that there enchanted that he wants more and more, he forgets his child, and still persuades him to wait a moment, Finally, the entrance closes with the child. Once a year the entrance reopens finds a mother southpark mall with her child, her wealth has increasingly interested
Topic: Profane girl who miss penalty (typical Erben) and too late, he realizes that this is not the boy she once loved, dear to lead her to the cemetery, and there he wanted to marry her, he will be saved only through motlitbám
poetic means: anaphora (and still shining lamp, and the lamp was still burning; Hoj's Ball I'm here already! Hoj's Ball Doing what? ..) euphemism (alas! where my daddy? Already lawns growing on it!), apostrophe (Maria southpark mall virgin mighty!) epanastrofa (..skoč and come on, jump and come and escort me ..), synecdoche (the day my eyes pushes dream, God's eye on me), epithet, southpark mall hyperbole (they were jumping 20 miles) , ornans i konstans, simile
Topic: mother in a fit of anger to call in their child shouted down Midday a mysterious creature that really comes and asks her mother to the child, the mother is scared to death, child prints together with such force that it chokes southpark mall
the main idea: because of sheer trifles man angry at his neighbor's too late realizes that it was not necessary that the child had a mother just loved and wanted to make him more devoted mother to realize, however,

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