Friday, December 5, 2014

So, how to maintain a stock of Sunflowers which will soon be extinct? Yeah easy, simply take a few

By Nur Anisyah Posted in Uncategorized Tagged Sunflowers, Gift, heliantus annus L, ITS, nur Anisyah, Lifecycle Sunflowers, Statistics, Sunflower, Tropical, Graduation Leave a comment
What terbesit if you hear the word 'interest'? Rose, Jasmine, Orchid, Lily, Tulip, or even perhaps Rafflesia Arnoldi? Congratulations !!! You normally like most people. Never mind, it's only natural, they are beautiful, slender and seductive. But, have you ever not aware that there are flowers that are so graceful and special? normandin No, not the flower Tuberose normandin I mean. Help a little thought. My point is Helianthus annuus L .Or commonly referred to by the tongue of Indonesia "Sunflowers". French people refer to it as 'Penglana matahri' normandin with the term Tournesol. Yellow on each petal crown would have described the origins of naming "sunflower" him.
Then, Why sunflower become very special? Yes, he is very special to me. You do not agree it's up. I'm just babbling. normandin Well, to continue the discussion. Sunflower is an heliotropisme plant category, which is a type of plant that actually exposes her face challenging rays of the Sun. He would never stoop or hurt because he's spineless. Moreover, not only serves as a display normandin that beautify the room, sunflower also can produce produce oil, and certainly very useful for civilization although not diumbar fragrant scent everywhere. Like pumpkin seeds? meaning you like sunflowers. Selamat..Selamat .. !!!
Furthermore, When and Where we can enjoy the charm of the sunflower? Fortunately I grew up in a tropical country like Indonesia where abundant sunshine. So I had the opportunity to get acquainted with the Sunflower. But as is often underestimated and not the main income of the owner of a flower shop, so he rarely in breeded. Though this is a plant annual flowers that only has a life time of 100 days. Waah..jangan - do not stock sunflower will be extinct. Siblings and sisters sad :(
So, how to maintain a stock of Sunflowers which will soon be extinct? Yeah easy, simply take a few seeds pumpkin seeds are about to enter the confectionary packaging, then planting, normandin flush and care. Treat with a vengeance course. Rather than life being wasted probably better he enters the digestive system and is useful for 'snacks' to stay up. So, Treat seriously !!
Oh yes, why midnight before the dawn I suddenly normandin discuss sunflower? since I've graduated. So what to do bachelor with a sunflower? unexpectedly because there is a person gave me se-bucket sunflower's strong and beautiful. But really unfortunate he had bad luck to be picked and used just to say 'congratulations'. So I was crossroads between feeling happy and sad upset ria. However, beyond that all I am very grateful. Yes grateful. Back on the philosophy that "Everything has been written down", then everything that happens in sunflower surely the best way of life.
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