Monday, May 4, 2015

Obama probably believes in absolutely nowhere except in Marxism and his conversion to Christianity

Some time back was the book by neurologist Oliver Sacks' The man who loved his wife for a hat "(1985) quite popular. stoneridge mall It became a bestseller throughout the world. The book I have unfortunately not at my disposal, but I remember one particular anecdote from that tells Sacks to show that so-called. "Idiot savants" stoneridge mall have special gifts. While anyone in general development may be left, this person already after 16 months can read or will be able to remember all the phone numbers in a directory. Or perhaps faster than a computer can count. In the movie "Rain Man" (Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise) Raymond Babbit uses a gift to loot a casino using probability. It seems as if he can predict the future, and they also kicked the casino. Raymond stoneridge mall is severely autistic.
Sacks tells it holds at the time of the Watergate scandal, Nixon for a TV speech and claims to know absolutely nothing. Insane (we would call them insane) in front of the TV watching and having great fun. Why? Because they could see everything and hear that Nixon was lying, something called. Normal people did not notice. Later, Nixon had to resign, because otherwise there was an impeachment followed, he had been lying.
President Obama also will not be as close to the truth, as they include've seen in the run-up to Obamacare. Last Wednesday, Obama delivered a speech at the annual "Prayer Breakfast". The Dalai Lama was also named in the audience and was even by Obama. I am unable to listen to such a speech stoneridge mall without feeling disgust. Imam Obama came to explain that all the faith with doubt begins and that people in the name of religion do the most terrible things that there is no god who thinks fit and make ourselves stoneridge mall moral "high horse" must step because Islam is not worse than Christianity. (Yes, there is one god who commands his followers even to rage killing and raping stoneridge mall over the world and that is Allah). More often, the description of Islam by Obama factually incorrect, Vlad Tepes finds in a movie.
There's everything wrong with this speech and a number of experts and commentators have already written something about. Jonah Goldberg and Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online and Andrew McCarthy example PJ Media. They all point to the attempt by Obama to Christianity and Islam morale establish a height equal. During the Crusades and Inquisition are indeed happened terrible things. Davis Hanson explains historian stoneridge mall that Inquisition was an attempt by the Church stoneridge mall to excesses in the practice stoneridge mall of law to curb the Inquisition and does no more than research. That is very different than that the Qur'an commands: "Save the unbelievers in their necks and kill them." Roger L. Simon points out that Obama's mention of Islam increasingly bypassed as the cause of violence and take Islam in protection.
Whether Obama is now secretly or not Muslim, can not be said with certainty. Obama himself seems to be quite aggrieved about the fact that people think he is Muslim. We may never know for sure, but Pamela Geller came out with the statement: "What would a Muslim president otherwise" Blogger KGS of Tundra Tabloids noted that Obama at least culturally a Muslim stoneridge mall with a Muslim father and grew up in the largest Muslim country in the world and it also went to school (madrassa).
Obama probably believes in absolutely nowhere except in Marxism and his conversion to Christianity also only superficially. It is striking how Obama takes in foreign policy. Therefore we will also get some time to make this as Isis and under pressure from the American public is being bombarded now is that more for form than it really something out. Nonie Darwish noted sharply that Obama does not want to go down in history as the one who has made impossible stoneridge mall the Caliphate.
My mother used to say: "You must not contradict lunatics, otherwise they will be even crazier!" I count Obama to the crazies but speak against him anyway! Anyone who compares Christianity with Islam, while speaking in defense of Islam over the Inquisition and the Crusades, I suggest stoneridge mall to consider the Internet to read what this should entail, in fact, to promote historical awareness, stoneridge mall factual and ethics. The Spanish Inquisition stoneridge mall (1478-1834) and the Roman Inquisition (1542-1965) made in 487 years (!!) a total of 3000 victims. The nine crusades were held between 1095 and 1271 (ie 176 years !!) solely to retake territory conquered by Islam. So not to slaughter the Muslims so much as is claimed by the dhimmis. While the knights return home told of b

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