Sunday, July 13, 2014

Many scholars believe epitome that the oldest book, goes back even further than Genesis, the book o

It was a conversation between Paul and the Redeemer, which was then still called Saul. At that time, Saul was the majority side. He floated along the stream. He was at that side where there was a power at that side where the popularity. He went the way all people. But the Saviour says he not an easy task to do, "Saul, Saul, what are you persecuting me? You are going to have a hard kicked against the driver of. "(Acts 26:14)
Sometimes a person violating God's law comes into conflict epitome with society, other people, or he killed his own health. With the sun that was not the case. And yet there was a reason for an object, as has been said here that he did in life difficult. And the Saviour epitome called the driver of [the latest Latvian translation of the Bible the word impulse instead of the word nipple. Perhaps, in the literal sense, it represents quite an engine or cattle stick with a sharp end]. We understand that it was his conscience. He felt that it was not good as he does, and yet he wanted to continue his actions. And so he came into conflict with his own conscience.
Every person knows the invisible adviser guard and often Mentor - conscience. Someone asked a missionary, as we say, savages - or he knows conscience? What is it? He replied that it is such as iron, which used to be the heart of the turns, when something is not right. We pay less famous traveler Heyerdahl describes how the Easter Islands, he met with people, and when he made a proposal, then the people said that the time I can not answer, I have consulted with my Aku-Aku. Heyerdahl ask - what is there is one? Well, yes - he says - can not see him, but I always consulted with him. But where is he to you? He says - Well can not see him, but he sits on the end of the road, and he always tells me how to and how not to need it. Those of us accustomed to city traffic, we used to say - conscience - it is the soul traffic lights. Once it shows a green light, that's right. But if red, then we have to wait. It warns us.
Old Testament in the original word "conscience" is not mentioned, but its operation is clearly visible. First Genesis 3:8 we read of Adam and Eve that they hid. Where, then plunge epitome them into shame? epitome It was conscience. It inspired them to shame and fear. First read Genesis 39:9 Joseph's words - "How do I do so much evil and sin against God?" Sin, which was presented to Joseph, was enticing. Was great hope that no one will find out. Because parents are away, and the church not here. complicit in sin And she already does not explain anything epitome to anyone. And on the other hand - moving epitome away from sin, he realized that he expects big trouble. Yet so happens that as it may - I can not do that! Who interfered with? Conscience way. Heart do not allow to do so.
Many scholars believe epitome that the oldest book, goes back even further than Genesis, the book of Job. And in Job 27:6 is one sentence - "I'm attached to one's truth with all their materiality and neatteikšos it; My conscience does not condemn me [Gluck translation - 'my heart do not bite me "] is not one of my life-days!" Job knew that the heart sometimes bites. But now, when it comes to his biography, he says - remembering his days, my conscience is calm.
Conscience is somewhat similar epitome to the instinct, the proceeds from which the animal world. But is also a big difference. Instinct runs automatically. Animal, beast or cattle just led a force. He has to go there, they need to beware of it, he has to look for food, etc. But he has no choice. He can not do otherwise. For example, if he is thirsty, give him water to go after. He may be deterred only by force. Human conscience of people headed toward the right, but only a faint advice. Mind listen or not listen. Their (conscience) can also silence. And will be settled - to follow or not follow their conscience. The animal world is not so.
It is described that several years ago the United States took a major train disaster. There was a drawbridge, where the river drove the big ship at the bottom and then picked up the bridge. But the bridge went railway line. Someone drove a passenger train ran into another, and then, when the bridge was raised. And it fell into the river and had a lot of victims. After the commission and sought - how could this happen? There were three lights, three light signals were forbidding the ride, but the train has gone past all of these signals. Later medical expertise showed that the driver had fallen ill. He had a heart attack, he lost consciousness and drove them past the traffic lights. epitome But that's not the worst thing in the train and the railway was an automatic. Automatically, the train had to brake if the driver for any reason, disregard traffic lights. But now that mechanization is quite complex, and there happened to be an erro

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