Saturday, August 9, 2014

Condo Court of Minsk Stashulёnak B. - a fine of 30 basic Yutsko - 10 days of administrative arrest

The magazine for those who think in a European
Udodov Alexander - 15 days Sledevskaya Catherine - 10 days, the process took 5 minutes Melnichenko - 10 days Dashkevich Victor - 30 base Yevgeny Mironov - 15 days Chemesova Alexander - Alexander Shkut 10 days - 10 days Burmistrov (citizen) - 15 days Eugene Zdanowicz - 10 Ales Yasimovskaya day - 5 base
Karataev V. Korzun N. Shevchenko S. Laptev I. Tretiak Matsuga E. I. Murashkevich Klochkova S. Hodanovich Sergei M. Metelkov Bychkouski Vososyuk A. M. E. Yashchuk Lacki Yu Evstratov Tret'yakov B. bad C. Krylovich Davydov A. P. Poczobutt - he refused to give the lawyer Tsytsyn A. Sochilovich D. Makarevich OS Sobol AA Lugavskoy SS Chufistov KO Hurynovich I. Matrunchik Short S. Yu Sechko I. Grishel M. Jelieskin V. Pinchuk R. Sachivko S. K. K. Makeychik Sukhachevskoye gennifer flowers D. Pavlov P. V. Verbitsky gennifer flowers Nevdakh M. Baluk E. Ostapenko A. Kravtsov D. Lyskovets Losenya P. G.
First Kondratovich Artem - 10 days of the second Mikhail Petrenko - 10 days of the third Kaptsyuk Dmitry (Vileika) - 10 days 4 Novikov, IA 5 Savichny VN 6.Ruban AS 7 Ruthenians SV 8 A. Skok 9 Kaptsyuk DN 10 A. Bourbeau 11 Yeroshenko EA 12 MG Petrenko 13 A. Mazur 14 Maksymenko IV 15 A. 16 Zaderkovsky Sholomitskii PV 17 A. Drozd 18 Fedorkevich OV 19 AS Kantratovich 20 Ratkevich DI 21 MG Kovalkov
Condo Court of Minsk Stashulёnak B. - a fine of 30 basic Yutsko - 10 days of administrative arrest Marshevskaya - 10 - day arrest Drozd - 10 days of administrative arrest Wojtowicz - 10 days of administrative arrest Rubashkin SD - 10 stuak administrative arrest Saw - a fine of 30 basic Pavlovian Maria - 10 days Yugnovich gennifer flowers Oksana - 10 days TROFIMRNKO - 10 days
Court of the Moscow district of Minsk. From informal conversations court staff know that before dinner held trials of 41 detainees. Who was convicted gennifer flowers and what penalties - known as the observers were not allowed to lawsuits. Known names of some of the detainees tried by the court, but the penalties imposed - are unknown. Orlov Krefik Kuleshov Bondarchuk Bobrik Maslennikov stove Belko Manchuk Veykut Crane Vasilevich Smooth Kuleshov Shane Badgers Khomenko Cherepanov Chomutov Hornet Light Volodchenko Gorovoj
Oktyabrsky District Court of Minsk, the detainees brought to 6 filled paddy Sukhovetskaya Alex - 10 days of administrative arrest Sydorovych Catherine - a fine of 30 basic units Shevchenko Sergey Savelis Mihlenka Nikitchanka Lapunov azure grieve Banikevich Arseny - 10 days of administrative arrest Evstatsev Oleg - 15 days of administrative arrest Metsyalkov Mark - 15 days of administrative arrest Budkovski Maxim - 10 days of administrative arrest Vasasyuk Alexander - 15 days of arrest adminitratyvnaga Hodonovich Sergey - 10 days of arrest adminitratyvnaga Ilyatski Sergey Udodov Alexander - 15 days Slyadevskaya gennifer flowers Catherine - 10 days, the process took 5 minutes Melnichenko - 10 days Dashkevich Victor - 30 base, 2 disability groups Yevgeny Mironov - 15 days Chemisava Alexander - 10 days Klotchkov SV Hodonovich SV Bychkouski MV Lasasyuk AV Yashchuk EA Lacki SA Korotaev VK Korzun MK Laptev, IA Tretiak gennifer flowers EJ - 10 days Dashkevich VV Matsuta IG Banyukevich AI Murashkevich VV Mironov, EV Stepanova OV .-- 10 days Sidarevich EA Pinchuk RN Sochivko SR Tsytsin AA Sochilovich DN Makarevich gennifer flowers AS Sobol AA Sluchovski SS Chufistav KO Andrzej Poczobut - journalist Danilevich VV Bublikov TV - Journalist Bazinska gennifer flowers Avgenya NG Mironov EV Murashkevich VV K. KK Makeychik DA Suhachevski PV Pavlov PG Verbitsky VG Nevdoh MV Baluk EM Ostapenko AS Kravtsov DA Lyskovets DS Tuft SV Scherbov GA NS Ostapenko Prokhorov VL Kovalenko PP Tretstsyakovich VS Bad ST Rotchankav Sergey - 12 days (serving gennifer flowers sentence in Zhodino)
The Court of the Frunze district of Minsk 1.Melnichenka - 10 days of the second book is the third Breus Maxim - 15 days (Judge gennifer flowers Joan Zhukov) 4 Bortkiewicz Elena (a minor child) - a fine of 30 basic units (Judge Joan Zhukov) 5 Sharapov Vadim - 10 days (Judge Joan Zhukov) 6 Alexander Belyaev - 10 days 7 Dmitri Drozd - 10 days of Christmas carol Maxim 8 - 10 days 9 Sergey Kovalev - 10 days (judge Samalyuk Anna) 10 Sukharevich Denis - 10 days (judge Natalia Dumpling) 11 Furman Valentine - 10 days (judge Natalia Dumpling) 12 Yaroshevich Irina - 15 days (Judge Joan Zhukovskaja) 13 Kluev Nowicki 15 14 16 Yasiuk Evdokimov 17 Zalyashchuk - 9 days 18 Tereschyuk Ivan - 19 days
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