Saturday, August 23, 2014

Not shut my mouth - I

Sometimes when you want something enough, he comes and falls on you. Just like that. For example, when very pleased Tati's brioche recipe. Suddenly Google, tosses me a recipe, say - take. Like nothing. So it's not poppy. This chocolate. Do not be petty. Indeed, it has chocolate, lots of chocolate. Secret of brioche (brioche as in all) - a lot of fat, especially butter. The secret of the chocolate filling - a Fatisiir. The secret of the cake - the combination of two other secrets. I swear, this cake is a well-planned assault on the senses - taste, too, even the smell, and sight. I made it in two versions mygiftcardsite - round cake version and English version of the two-Cake molds. I stayed in two versions with two single roses sitting muffins and formats them were great. Or two roses, in the case of Shoshana Damari. Brioche Chocolate Roses Sage Berry (Berry, do me a pastry!) Materials (cut roses in my "big" enough for one pan of 26 + two muffins, or two + two muffins Englisch): dough 440 g (3 cups + 2 tablespoons) flour 160 ml (2/3 cup) 3% fat milk 2 eggs 2 + 2 egg yolks 120 g (1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons flat) sugar 25g fresh yeast (or cube bag PAD) pinch of salt 160 g Sokold- butter pastry filling 150g quality dark chocolate broken into chunks 100g quality milk chocolate broken into squares 30g butter 200 ml (3/4 cup + half spoon) 3% fat milk 60g (1/4 cup + level tablespoon) sugar 2 eggs 2 30 g (3 tbsp) flour 100g chocolate chip flakes Socr- syrup 120ml (1/2 cup) water 120 g (1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons flat) a little sugar and vanilla extract Lhbrsh- 1 egg, beaten Preparation: Prepare the dough mixers all the dough ingredients except the butter in a mixer with a dough hook for about 5 minutes. Add butter and knead about 5 minutes until the dough is smooth. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Prepare the syrup in a small saucepan Hsocr- put all ingredients, bring to a boil and cook for about 3 minutes boil. Cool. Prepare the Hmlit- sky dark chocolate bowl, chocolate milk and butter. Bring 160 ml (2/3 cup less than a tablespoon) milk and sugar to a boil in a pot. Meanwhile, mix the remaining milk with the eggs and flour in a bowl. When the milk in the pot is boiling, add the milk mixture to him and flour while comparing temperature. Cook until bubbling, stirring constantly. Immediately pour the chocolate and butter and mix well until the mixture is smooth. Cool. Components mygiftcardsite cakes and Bakers Divide the dough into 2 parts and roll out each part of the leaf thickness of 4-3 mm. Spread half of each leaf and sprinkle the filling is prepared chocolate chips. mygiftcardsite Roll cylinder 3 cm in diameter, cut into slices 4-3 cm wide. To ensure the roses will not open during cooking, tuck the edges of the dough under the roses. Arrange the dough circles or Bering format, padded with paper based in baking. Let rise at room temperature for about an hour. Preheat oven to 170 degrees. Spread Roses beaten egg and bake for 30-25 minutes mygiftcardsite c. Brush the cake while hot sugar syrup.
Chocolate million times more worth screwdriver. It looks so delicious. mygiftcardsite But I do not know, I did the same recipe twice? Why was someone's birthday? Bullying and Last (this post), a flower that looks like the truth do not read Ward? 06.21.09 19:57
Not shut my mouth - I'm tempted to believe this twice because I was visiting. True, the Beagle? And each time it was delicious level of corruption - breakfast, lunch and before bed .... Regarding Rose - Did you know that the song was written to fill time at the festival and sang Hebrew songs that unknown young singer named Shoshana Damari. Stated the song became a hit (won the competition, I do not remember what the speaker said) and the rest is history listed. Yes, I listen to the network C online. So what? I miss. This is London 06.21.09 21:36
London is right. She has privileges at the invitation of foods when it comes to Israel. Otherwise mygiftcardsite I really do not do the same recipe twice, just because there are so many things I need to get done to try, and if we start to return - when I'll mygiftcardsite have time to do it all ...?! But sometimes I am repeating myself. Birthdays and special requests. and I think it actually rose. Instant, going to check Wikipedia ... 06.23.09 08:34
Leave Wikipedia. The language of the Hebrew "a more clear explanation. "Rose" is a biblical name - a synonym for colors, while 'A rose "probably mygiftcardsite came from Persian, and the intention was to flower we know today Kurds. Today recognize Hlilium rose flower (lily). Here you link http: // www. 23/6/09 08:38
Brother, mygiftcardsite Tati Tati ... always when you think the market is already saturated with outstanding mygiftcardsite bakeries, got another one, proving that there is no such thing as too much when it comes to produce excellent! Brioche looks perfect and makes me Kriibing Lily crazy! I must try it! 25.06.09 mygiftcardsite 23:49
You can question? I wanted to make half the quantity, and indeed all religiously divided in half. I found myself incredibly sticky dough and non-rolling, even after a night in the fridge. After the addition of large quantities of flour dough came out good, and the cake came out great, but what did I do wrong? 23.08.09 00:18
I made one Hogh- tasted amazing. Highly recommend. For those who asked about my well Hkmh- liquid dough out (what to do, the dough always the most delicious liquid). I added a little (!) Flour during kneading, and left the dough in the refrigerator for many hours, about 14-15 hours, so it was more convenient for processing. mygiftcardsite Finally, flattened between two to really stick baking paper and it turned out to be as great as the method. Please note that there are plenty of stuffing recipe I did not use all of it. 01.15.10 17:01
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